Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What is Steady State Economy

For those of you stumbling upon the WGSSE's blog and have not heard of steady state economy in the past, you're probably wondering what is steady state economy?

So, I figured that it will be helpful to briefly talk about what steady state economy is and to offer readers a link they can go to for further information and hopefully get the discussions going from here on....

According to the Center for the Advancement of Steady State Economy, in a nutshell, a steady state economy is, "one that is constant (meaning not growing nor receding) and features stabilized population and consumption. Such stability means that the amounts of resource through put and waste disposal remain roughly constant. The key features of a steady state economy are: (1) sustainable scale, in which economic activities fit within the capacity provided by ecosystems; (2) fair distribution of wealth; and (3) efficient allocation of resources."

For those of you interested in learning more, here is a link that I found very helpful: